Turkish Fish Names

Common Fish Names in Turkey We love Turkey for fishing. It's still not a very popular fishing destination like the other Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Spain, Malta and Italy but I see there are more and more anglers from all around the world asking us about fishing in Turkey. A big size White Seabream which is called Sargoz in Turkish. This is my friend Mustafa, he lives in south of Turkey and he sent me this amazing picture last December. He says "the sea was terrible, it was almost impossible to get closer to the shore because of monstrous waves but it was a perfect fishing day. I caught four decent size of Sargoz in an hour" Last year my friends David and Patrick, from Texas, USA went to Turkey for a short work trip and they had a chance to fish at the beach nearby their hotel. They sent me photos of some of the fish they caught and asked me their local names. Then I remembered the emails I received from Scotland, Russia and Australia, some guys were asking...