The Best Fluorescent Spinner For Trout, Bass, Perch, Pike, Chub, Zander

If you are wondering what spinner to have for fishing in deep rivers, winter streams, lakes and canals in cloudy weather or murky times, this is the one you must have in your tackle box. Rivers and Canals in Europe are full of perch, pike, chub, trout, mullet and salmon to catch any time of the year. But you can't use the same colour and type of spinners for all seasons. You need a proper fluo bait to attract those predators in darker, murky and super cold waters. Lakes and rivers in the United States and Canada are not much different. They have more trout and bass though and such species love fluorescent spinners in autumn, winter and spring fishing seasons. So What Fluo Spinner Is The Best For You? Spinner is an interesting type of lure.. It looks simple but actually it's one of the most complicated bait systems. That's why I avoid those cheap Chinese or unknown ones. Even though they might look identically the same, believe me they won't work as you dream at all. Lik...