The Best Japanese LRF Lures For The Mediterranean

Which Japanese Lures For The Mediterranean Sea? We are continuing to share the most recommended Japanese light rock fishing lures for the Mediterranean Sea. These are the best lures from Japan that the anglers of this old sea who love catching breams, barracudas, groupers, trevally, sea bass, lichia, painted comber, horse mackerel, needlefish and many more. Minnows and Hardbaits Dover 46 SS Slow Sinking, 46mm 2.3g Effective for various types of rockfish and smaller predators ( gilt-head bream, comber, small barracudas, horse mackerel, needlefish, sea bass etc ). See the prices on Spearhead Ryuki 50 ( Floating, Medium Deep Diver, Sinking 50 mm, 2.8gr. 3.8gr, 4.5 gr ) A perfect choice for Light Rock Fishing on all shores of the Mediterranean . Take a Spearhead Ryuki with you for fishing at spiky cliffs of Greek islands, sandy bottoms off Algerian beaches, shallow waters off Turkish shores, fruitful harbours of Spain. DUO really knows this job very well....